Homecoming zine download
The house shelters daydreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.
– Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space
Homecoming is a publication shared as part of ‘Hot Compost Home Tour’, a home-based touring series with Seventh Gallery that unfolded over several months in Naarm in 2024, culminating with a shared reading of a text by artist and writer Anna Dunnill.
Writing alongside the tour, Anna follows a quilt made by Emily Simek that travels to three different homes in turn, for a month each. Each leg of the home tour is curated by the home’s occupant, and carries a different expression of what a ‘home’ means and how a quilt might function within it. A house lived in continuously for thirty-seven years. A one-bedroom flat on a precarious lease. A space extending beyond the walls of the house into community gardens, schools, and the soil we share with numerous small creatures.
– Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space
Homecoming is a publication shared as part of ‘Hot Compost Home Tour’, a home-based touring series with Seventh Gallery that unfolded over several months in Naarm in 2024, culminating with a shared reading of a text by artist and writer Anna Dunnill.
Writing alongside the tour, Anna follows a quilt made by Emily Simek that travels to three different homes in turn, for a month each. Each leg of the home tour is curated by the home’s occupant, and carries a different expression of what a ‘home’ means and how a quilt might function within it. A house lived in continuously for thirty-seven years. A one-bedroom flat on a precarious lease. A space extending beyond the walls of the house into community gardens, schools, and the soil we share with numerous small creatures.
Hot Compost Home Tour is an offsite exhibition series by Emily Simek in collaboration with Merri Cheyne, Anna Dunnill, Eric Jong, Mei Sun and Doug Webb, produced with Seventh Gallery. The home-based tour explored composting as an approach to exhibition practice.
Photography by Astrid Mulder.
Photography by Astrid Mulder.